You’ve heard the expression, “hidden in plane sight” or “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” Political corruption in the US is just that, corruption at such a scale in plane sight we think that is just the way things work. We can’t see the forest because the trees are everywhere or in this case, we can’t identify corruption because virtually everything is corrupt and we have nothing to compare it to.
The Food Industry
If you have been listening on the news you have heard story after story about food recalls and people getting sick because of it. So what happens to the manufacture? They recall the tainted food. They can’t be sued, it is against the law, congress took care of that. Do you think if the food industry was looking at an unlawful lawsuit every time they killed somebody they would be more careful. You bet they would, but it is just not a big deal now. The recall might be expensive but it is nothing compared to what they would have to pay out in death benefits.
Another thought would be if we could sue TFI than we could sue China for the crap they have been selling here but I have the strong feeling there is something going on with our relations with China that is more on a corrupt personal level. For instance, why did China give Ronald Regan one million dollars after he ended his presidency? The communications satellite during the Clinton administration with our latest technology on it that China was going to launch and the launch failed.
Oct 11, 2007 It has been in the news about Banquet Pot Pies making people sick and a few deaths from salmonella poisoning yet CON-AGRA says they are not pulling the product. Why should they, it is only people and it would cost them money. They don’t have fear about being sued.
The Pharmaceutical Industry
If you thought the food industry has congress in their pockets, the Pharm has congress gutted, bagged, and packaged, Dems & Repubs alike. The food industry might have a billion or so for ‘lobbying’ and advertising expenses but the Pharm industry has tens of billions for ‘lobbing’ and advertising. With an advertising budget of over ten billion dollars, do you think the ‘media’ is going to do something to piss off the Pharm? Not on your life, literally. If you just watch, anything negative in the news about the Pharm is treated like today’s weather, a synapsis with lots of if’s and maybe’s and they might even try to sneak it by on the late night news. So, they reported it; you can’t say they didn’t and therefore the media can pat itself on the back as being ‘fair’ and ‘un-biased.’ In the meantime what the Pharm does that is bad or their ‘lobbying’ hijinks are about as under-reported as they can get. The Medicare part IV has to be the most obvious blatant law designed to “protect” one of the richest industries in the US.
The Sugar Industry
It was reported once, did you catch it? You probably don’t even remember it. The sugar industry is monopolized by a single family. No sugar comes in or out of the US without going through them. So what happened to free trade? TSI annually gives heavily to both parties. The result is the price of sugar in the US is almost twice what it should be.
“Lifesavers candy abandons U.S. plant ^ | May 31 | Kevin Tibbles
Posted on 06/01/2002 4:25:00 PM PDT by FourPeas
Manufacturer says high cost of sugar in U.S. prompted exit
They moved to Canada because the price of sugar is that much cheaper up there.
The Asphalt IndustryYou would think that if you actually found a use for a waste product, particularly one that there was no other use for and was stacking up by the millions would be a win win situation but win win doesn’t translate to money in your congressmen’s pocket. It was found that putting ground up tires in asphalt it not only was a practical use for old tires it extended the life of the asphalt from 15 to 20%. Now that is a win win if I ever heard one, what could possibly be wrong with that? The Asphalt Industry felt it would be unduly penalized due to the loss of work/product. Now they don’t have a billion dollar lobbying budget but they got to somebody and the bill in congress to make this happen, died.
Almost everything you touch has the stain of political corruption and greed on it. Milk for instance. Reconstituted milk could sell for a fraction of fresh milk, but it is against the law to sell it for less than fresh milk. A loaf of bread has over 100 taxes on it, but you knew that; everybody knows that it is just the day to day la-ti-da of getting screwed by politicians.
October 11, 2007 Just today I listened to the media tell a hospital practice called “boarding” where of putting emergency room patients on a gurney and leaving them in halls etc. sometimes for days, due to lack of room for them. They sort-of mentioned by saying it was due to the un-insured once but never really addressed it. True the un-insured are swamping our emergency rooms but most of the uninsured are illegal aliens. Another example of reporting half the news, the half they don’t want to report, the half that goes against ‘their’ politics.
When it comes to reporting about something they are against or make themselves look good, the news is right there. Who reported the military was able to listen to Bin Laden’s Satellite phone calls? That’s right, the media. You couldn’t send Bin Laden a letter and expect him to get it but if you publish the secret in the media he will get it no matter where he is. Don’t believe me (some have denied this) how about every time we track a terrorist using their cell phone signal, that has been in the news many times. Do you think the terrorists don’t get the news? They would publish our strategy against the terrorists if they could get it. It is for ratings, it is for money, it is about nothing else.
Now this certainly sounds like a condemnation of the media which it is but the root of this problem is the illegal immigration problem and congresses reluctance to do anything about it. Twenty million people in the US without any insurance. Twenty Million who send the majority of their money back to Mexico (the leading income to the Mexican economy) that come up here with diseases, parasites, lesions and above all, pregnant, to fill our emergency rooms with their ills and our schools with illiterates that don’t speak or even try to speak the language.
You’ve heard the expression, “hidden in plane sight” or “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” Political corruption in the US is just that, corruption at such a scale in plane sight we think that is just the way things work. We can’t see the forest because the trees are everywhere or in this case, we can’t identify corruption because virtually everything is corrupt and we have nothing to compare it to.
The Food Industry
If you have been listening on the news you have heard story after story about food recalls and people getting sick because of it. So what happens to the manufacture? They recall the tainted food. They can’t be sued, it is against the law, congress took care of that. Do you think if the food industry was looking at an unlawful lawsuit every time they killed somebody they would be more careful. You bet they would, but it is just not a big deal now. The recall might be expensive but it is nothing compared to what they would have to pay out in death benefits.
Another thought would be if we could sue TFI than we could sue China for the crap they have been selling here but I have the strong feeling there is something going on with our relations with China that is more on a corrupt personal level. For instance, why did China give Ronald Regan one million dollars after he ended his presidency? The communications satellite during the Clinton administration with our latest technology on it that China was going to launch and the launch failed.
Oct 11, 2007 It has been in the news about Banquet Pot Pies making people sick and a few deaths from salmonella poisoning yet CON-AGRA says they are not pulling the product. Why should they, it is only people and it would cost them money. They don’t have fear about being sued.
The Pharmaceutical Industry
If you thought the food industry has congress in their pockets, the Pharm has congress gutted, bagged, and packaged, Dems & Repubs alike. The food industry might have a billion or so for ‘lobbying’ and advertising expenses but the Pharm industry has tens of billions for ‘lobbing’ and advertising. With an advertising budget of over ten billion dollars, do you think the ‘media’ is going to do something to piss off the Pharm? Not on your life, literally. If you just watch, anything negative in the news about the Pharm is treated like today’s weather, a synapsis with lots of if’s and maybe’s and they might even try to sneak it by on the late night news. So, they reported it; you can’t say they didn’t and therefore the media can pat itself on the back as being ‘fair’ and ‘un-biased.’ In the meantime what the Pharm does that is bad or their ‘lobbying’ hijinks are about as under-reported as they can get. The Medicare part IV has to be the most obvious blatant law designed to “protect” one of the richest industries in the US.
The Sugar Industry
It was reported once, did you catch it? You probably don’t even remember it. The sugar industry is monopolized by a single family. No sugar comes in or out of the US without going through them. So what happened to free trade? TSI annually gives heavily to both parties. The result is the price of sugar in the US is almost twice what it should be.
“Lifesavers candy abandons U.S. plant ^ | May 31 | Kevin Tibbles
Posted on 06/01/2002 4:25:00 PM PDT by FourPeas
Manufacturer says high cost of sugar in U.S. prompted exit
They moved to Canada because the price of sugar is that much cheaper up there.
The Asphalt IndustryYou would think that if you actually found a use for a waste product, particularly one that there was no other use for and was stacking up by the millions would be a win win situation but win win doesn’t translate to money in your congressmen’s pocket. It was found that putting ground up tires in asphalt it not only was a practical use for old tires it extended the life of the asphalt from 15 to 20%. Now that is a win win if I ever heard one, what could possibly be wrong with that? The Asphalt Industry felt it would be unduly penalized due to the loss of work/product. Now they don’t have a billion dollar lobbying budget but they got to somebody and the bill in congress to make this happen, died.
Almost everything you touch has the stain of political corruption and greed on it. Milk for instance. Reconstituted milk could sell for a fraction of fresh milk, but it is against the law to sell it for less than fresh milk. A loaf of bread has over 100 taxes on it, but you knew that; everybody knows that it is just the day to day la-ti-da of getting screwed by politicians.
October 11, 2007 Just today I listened to the media tell a hospital practice called “boarding” where of putting emergency room patients on a gurney and leaving them in halls etc. sometimes for days, due to lack of room for them. They sort-of mentioned by saying it was due to the un-insured once but never really addressed it. True the un-insured are swamping our emergency rooms but most of the uninsured are illegal aliens. Another example of reporting half the news, the half they don’t want to report, the half that goes against ‘their’ politics.
When it comes to reporting about something they are against or make themselves look good, the news is right there. Who reported the military was able to listen to Bin Laden’s Satellite phone calls? That’s right, the media. You couldn’t send Bin Laden a letter and expect him to get it but if you publish the secret in the media he will get it no matter where he is. Don’t believe me (some have denied this) how about every time we track a terrorist using their cell phone signal, that has been in the news many times. Do you think the terrorists don’t get the news? They would publish our strategy against the terrorists if they could get it. It is for ratings, it is for money, it is about nothing else.
Now this certainly sounds like a condemnation of the media which it is but the root of this problem is the illegal immigration problem and congresses reluctance to do anything about it. Twenty million people in the US without any insurance. Twenty Million who send the majority of their money back to Mexico (the leading income to the Mexican economy) that come up here with diseases, parasites, lesions and above all, pregnant, to fill our emergency rooms with their ills and our schools with illiterates that don’t speak or even try to speak the language.
Labels: cheats, corruption, government corruption, greedy, liars