Monday, January 17, 2022

An attempt to encompass the arguments against this pandamic HOAX.


I am not racist, I'm as best as I can be. Everybody watches out for themselves first, it is human nature. #1 yourself, #2 your immediate family , #3 people you know, and so on, generally speaking. That is not racist, it is human.

Racist is a word created to repress opposition.

80 to 90 % (or more) of blacks, raised in the city, are raised without a father and grow up in the streets. It is unfortunate, but that is the black culture. They love songs that sing about killing cops and raping your sister and they idolize anyone that breaks the law. Fact! It is too bad, but I'm not going to excuse anybody for that. It is unfortunate and just plain stupid.

Covid-19 and corona virus are not the same thing. Corona is a genre of virus, possibly the most common and you have some in your body right now!. Covid-19 is a specific corona virus, a term coined by the W.H.O.. There are more viruses in your body right now than people on this earth. Clearly, just having a virus doesn't mean your going to get sick.

Remember when the virus hit, what all this masks and social distancing BS?? The mask wasn't to help you, it was to stop any spittle from being ejected into the air from your body.


Flatten the curve... 6 weeks... They didn't say it would stop a single person from getting the virus, Did they?? They didn’t say they were going to force every person in the US to get the vaccination. They just wanted to slow it down so it wouldn't overwhelm the hospitals.. Right??? They took all these stadiums and filled them with cots to handle the thousands of patients they were going to have.. Remember that?? It was just supposed to scare the shit out of you and they were never used.. Remember that??? And than it was going to be "a" vaccination, remember?? then two and now boosters for every variation!!! The flu virus has been changing for 100's of years, you don't suppose • • •

And YOU DON'T KNOW really, who is getting a vaccination, YOU DON’T KNOW! So did ass hole biden get a vaccination or a vitamin b12, or was it a fake syringe like they use in the movies? Are certain people aren't getting different shots if indeed they are at all? On purpose? Oh wait, I have heard something to the effect. Call me paranoid but certain public officials that should no better have actually called for the death of conservatives. fact!

The Test.
Then you get tested. and the hoodwink continues..
The PCR (test they call it but it is a procedure) was invented to find the AID's virus, it is not specific to covid-19 nor is it a specific test. It is a method of analysis can find any virus or just part of the nucleotid (sp). So it can easily trigger on any corona virus. So, it is like giving a description to a police officer that the perp had arms and legs as the sum of their description. It isn’t enough, you need to test for the whole virus. The people that designed the test, the people who actually came up with it, say it is not conclusive. But now we pay hospitals and caregivers to say it is corona virus whether it is or not. A testtube of water was tested @ 45 cycles (the standard used for detecting the corona virus) and it tested positive. Fauci himself says anything over 33 cycles in meaningless.

OK, finally, what I wanted to talk about. I believe, through many sources I have read, that people reported to have gotten sick and/or died of covid actually did so of something else or more recently from the covid vaccination itself. Fact is, anyone dying of anything can be made to test positive for COVID. The doctors/hospitals get paid (I read the bill where hospitals and care givers get paid like $12,000 for everyone they say had covid [WTF!!!] Cares Act) and there is no one checking this. So we are paying hospitals to lie!! That too, is a verifiable fact. So (their) numbers are a lie... People have gotten shot (as in with a bullet) that subsequently died of covid. If you listen carefully, they changed how they say it now, they say “complications” including covid. So your head was severed from the body but you died of covid, the detached head was a ‘complication’..

Repeat, I'm working on it.
They keep saying people are dying of covid. (The hospitals get $12,000 to say that, you think they won't? it is in the bill passed by congress!!) Yet some that say the people are dying of the covid vaccination and YOU DON’T KNOW! Without question, people that have had the vaccination and are dying because of the vaccination, it is in the governments own records. but don't expect a search engine to help you find anything. 'They' have spent over 10 years working this out, I don't think they missed that detail.

Oh (*&^%$#@... the sky is falling...

Just why is it Biden is restricting the use of alternative medicine? Could it be that it is not about the virus and about the vaccination?? Or perhaps giving Bill Gates and big pharma billions dollars? Multi-trillion dollar corporation doesn't want alternative medicine, they don't make money on that. They have ad control of the FDA for years, now they want more. They could lose billions if people became less dependent on drugs... Bill Gates is one of the big promoters of the vaccination and he is the one person that will gain billions by forcing everyone in the US, shot after shot after shot.

I remember 3 different (liberal) governors forced senior living facilities to ACCEPT covid positive patients. Geezus H Crime-&-netly, they purposely infected these senior citizens!!! What to f*** is that? Explain the logic there please. (It lowered their cost.)

The state of Colorado was taken to court and made to say how many of the people listed as having covid-19 also had something else. Guess what. 99% of the people had something else. Like that *&^%$#@ bitch liberal on TV crying about how covid-19 took her fathers life. It seems he had been suffering with cancer for the preceding 5 years and you are really going to tell me he died of covid-19? I did some searching and couldn’t find that specific article anymore, they have a tendency to go away if they point out 'real' facts damning to liberals. I did find one where an man died with double the toxicity of alcohol necessary to cause death and they labeled his death covid.

People having car accidents, drug overdose and even gunshot wounds have been labeled as dying of covid.

It is politics !!!! or maybe it is worse than that...
This is a planned take-over. The great-reset! Haven't you figured that out yet?
excerpt from the transcript
Once a country has seen infection in place, lock down incoming outgoing travel but keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible. Once enough people in a country or a region are infected, and ??? falls quarantine, or isolation for that area and expand lockdown regions slowly over time. Over hype the mortality ? By it. ?? Tying their ? To desks that has little to do with the actual virus to keep their fear and ?? At the maximum. If anyone dies for any reason it is found they have covid, consider it a covid death and if anyone is ?? To maybe ????? Assume they have covid. And consider it a covid death.

Ok, there may be a bad flu out there, something, there is a lot of evidenc the bug was purposely made, but it happens ever phucking year!!!!. Oh wait, no flu in 2021. Miracle!, facts are being distorted for political reasons to the point of absurdity...

So, when they pass mandatory vaccinations, you OK with that? You OK with a chip inserted into your body so they can keep track of who has been vaccinated? Gen 5 cell technology, you won't be able to go anywhere or even buy food, gas, travel, without your chip. Your OK with Pelosi having control of that? POLITICIANS tinkering with the now mandatory and annual vaccinations?? (seriously? You hink they won't??) Bill Gates has been tinkering with birth control in vaccines already for years. FACT! Bill Gates is a worlds supplier of vaccine... I didn't know that until a short time ago.. Bill gates has liberals on his pocket. A'federally' mandated payment to his magisty gates.

The W.H.O. and the Gates foundation contributed millions to the Wuhan laboratory said to be a source of this virus... (they are.. after it was given to them) Now the W.H.O. is screaming that it is such a terrible thing? and they paid for it!! And they are the ones benefiting from it!!

So typical of covid reporting, this is what is so maddening. A guy dies in Colorado with twice the lethal dose of blood alcohol and he is listed as dying of covid!!!

CDC data shows that 75% of the people who were recorded as dying from Covid-19 actually had four or more comorbidities, which are additional medical conditions. Dr. Scott Atlas, former Coronavirus advisor to Trump, said that nearly two-thirds of Covid-19 deaths were individuals with at least six comorbidities! This indicates that the people who were reported to have died from Covid-19 were already very ill and that the comorbidities were responsible for their plight.

Tucker Carlson reported that Covid-19 was listed as the cause of death for nearly 30,000 cases of sepsis, 784 HIV cases, many drug overdoses and one person who was struck by lightning.

In related news, New York Governor Hochul reported that nearly half of the patients in New York hospitals with a diagnosis of Covid-19 are in the hospital for another reason and just happened to test positive for Covid-19.

Where to start? Remember Obama. Did you know that in the 22 months before he became president the liberals tried to change the law 8 times that made him illegal? It is (or was) in the congressional record. I copied it. But as far as I know, not one single republican said a single word about it. This is just to establish as absolute proof that congress and the media lies.

Did you know that President Bush authorized direct payments to pharmaceuticals? Now your getting "free" covid testing, vaccinations? HELLO!! Hold that thought.

So in 2011, the liberals wrote out a plan how to take over the world governments using a fake pandemic. THEY WROTE IT DOWN AND PUBLISHED IT!! (This isn’t the first time this was proposed) I believe they have been working on it at least since that time, but that is just me.

Why are the doctors that are coming out against this pandemic being suppressed and threatened? [See Shiva and rashid-a-buttar.htm below] The latter had his video on you tube edited! EDITED!!]

The so called January 6 ‘insurrection’ in DC. I’ve seen the videos. I heard on TV just the other day the liberals saying this was an attempt by Trump to re-take control of the government. Seriously?? You mean China or Russia only need 60 people to swarm a single office building in Washing DC to take control of the government? AUFKM?? SERIOUSLY?? Clearly the left is pulling some gross deception. Important to note here is that the mainstream media is going along with everything the liberals say. They are liars!! Proof.

So the liberals (democrats?) lie, nothing new, but if this is a lie, than something else is the truth. The liberals are the ones pushing the vaccine mandate. The long-time republicans are doing nothing but accepting their pay check and kick-backs.

Nothing says, "We're lying our ass off," quite like saying "Were going after the rich!" and then wanting to know everyone's bank account activity over $600 and exempting their own rich supporters.

Everything I just said is the verifiable truth, not just stories, I have tracked as many things as I could down to the source, not the media. I’ve had this WEB site for over 30 years and there is an overwhelming number of links that have disappeared, links that make liberals look bad. This I know for a fact. You could find this out yourself.
Go to google and type in democrat and get an idea of what they say. Than do the same for republican and they actually liken republicans to nazis... Try to find some dirt on either bush, [Yes, thy lying bastard is in on it] obama, clintons, • • • It is damn hard to find, I’ve turned to the dark net for a lot of what I can find. It won't be on that liberal, highly biased google and MSN is worse.

Normally, If you have bug and then get over it, you now have an immunity for it, or certainly as much as any immunization would do, that is how a vaccine works. So why do people who have had covid, and recovered, still need the vaccine? Maybe it is not about the virus.

If you have had the disease, why must you wear a mask?? A mask at best has 100 nm holes in it to stop a 10nm bug?? Originally it was to stop the spittle like frome a sneez but they don’t even try to infer that anymore.

The PCR test they use for testing for the virus... The people that invented the test KKary Mullis) say it is not made for this. It is a tool, isn't even quantitative it is qualitative. Than, to prove that point, the CDC has two test standards for result. One if you have not had the vaccination and an second (less stringent) ‘test’ if you have.. See
Shive file for that.

Remember when this started? the vaccine was just to level the playing field?? WTF happed with that? Now the object is vaccinations, no exception. Also I saw in the news that Biden was restricting the use of non-vaccine cures!! You should know first hand about this if it is true. Also I read where over 200 members of congress have used Ivermectin and they also gave it to a truck load of illegals. Some say most people are naturally immune, and virtually all children are... So what to hell is going on??

OK. Lets say covid is not a plot to overthrow world governments, look what it is doing to the economy, the American way of life. All these “free” shots and “free” vaccinations!!! Seriously?? Remember what Bush did?? Can you tell me the cost of a single covid test or vaccination?? I have one source said that Phizer makes $45 clear on every vaccination... Billions of doses, and that is just Phizer. Don’t forget the 100 million that went into the Kennedy Center as part of the emergency pandemic bill. (I have a copy of that too) I’ll bet that saved a lot of lives <sic> or the 20 million Pelosi sent to some flea bitten muslim nation for “Gender Studies” for criss sake.. FACT!! Do you know who cares less about gender than the Muslims?? Me neither. You know she divided that up with the heads of that government don’t you? Well, it was just 20 million, but I’m getting off point you might say. Well, maybe, or maybe this is the whole point, it is all about money and power. /pelosi.htm

Why is access to non vaccine medicines being blocked??

☠ ☣ ☣ ☣ ☣ ☠

Do you remember George Bush made it legal for the government to pay pharmaceuticals directly, in the name of the individual? (no oversight, you don't know what you are paying) e.g. your “free” covid vaccines are not, obviously, but they are paid by the government. Very important point. Pfizer made 10 billion in profit the first half of 2011.

In 2011 the Rockefeller Institute wrote a paper on how to take over world governments using a fake pandemic, and published it. I have a copy. It may still be on the WEB. This is an irrefutable fact. It is actually not the first time in history this has been suggested, it is just the first time anybody has acted on it.

Gates is heavily invested into pharmaceuticals, the modrana brand is pretty much his exclusive but he is invested into other pharmaceutical companies. Nobody contests this fact. It is searchable.

Why are the doctors that are coming out against this pandemic being suppressed and threatened? [See Shiva and rashid-a-buttar.htm below] The latter had his video on you tube edited!! EDITED! Has this happened to you in anyway? Have you been threatened? Do you know anything about this?

I have one source that says a university in the US. (North Carolina, Chapel Hill) was working on a virus from bats and the department of Homeland Security told them to stop. It is illegal in the US as well as international law to be screwing around with a potential pandemic causing virus (chimeric testing). So the work was transferred to the Wuhan Laboratory in China...
Fauci gave US funds, there is no argument there and Gates gave millions of dollars to the Wuhan Laboratory , and here is where it gets who said what. Many people say they were testing a virus from bats, kinda like that university in the US was doing before they were told to quit because it was illegal.

The CDC patented the virus. You cannot patent a natural thing, it has to be man made. I have the patent #, I copied parts of the patent to my WEB site, it is a fact. The CDC patent the pandemic virus. Explain that to me..

When you have a disease and you get over it, that is as good as or better than any vaccination yet a vaccination is still required of people who have recovered from the disease.. Fact!

When all this started we just needed to vaccinate enough people to “smooth out the hump,” ‘keep the hospitals from being swamped’ from the number of people that get ill from the disease. What happened to that?

We passed a law [Cares Act] where we pay the hospitals to lie about covid patients. They get $12000, no questions asked for every covid positive person they diagnose, $100,000 for everyone on a ventilator. This isn’t a payment, it is a bonus. It is a law, you can look it up. It has so much pork in it they couldn’t possibly expect people to read it. It reeks of corruption.

It is against the law to ask someone if they have taken the vaccine, yet many liberals are saying you cannot enter their establishment if your not vaccinated. The government wants to restrict where you can go if your not vaccinated, it is already a fact in many countries. You can’t fly to Hawaii without a recent negative covid test.

About that test. The PRC test. First of all, it isn’t a test, it is a medical procedure. It was invented to find the AID’s virus (which there isn’t one, another Facui screw up). It can actually be used to find any virus. So they multiply something in your body until it is big enough for them to deal with it. So “x” the number of virus in your body times a number should be smaller than some amount? Do you see anything wrong with this? Fauci himself says multiplying anything more than 33 times is pointless yet the standard covid test is 45 times. A test tube of clean water might very well test positive for covid. See what is going on, Oh, and to top it off, if you have had the vaccine the number of times the multiply your ‘test’ is about half because your still going to tests positive for covid.

"For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death," the CDC website reads.

President of Ghana Nana AkufoAddo exposes Rockefeller's Plans.
He sez he was slipped a secret internal document that spells out their plans.

Fake Pandemic

(excerpt, from an audio file)
···Keep the phase 2 Lockdown in place for a much longer period of time. Then, the phase 1 lockdown. Continue to destroy the global economy. Further degrade the supply chain and further amplify the food shortages and the like. Quell any public outrage using extreme action and force. And make anyone that defies them to appear as public enemy #1 to those that are willing to submit.

After a long phase 2 lockdown, 6 ? Months. Vaccination program, vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone giving priority to those that submitted from the start. Attack those that are against it saying they are a threat to the ?? We cannot go back to normal until everyone takes a vaccination. People who are defying them are threatening our way of life and are therefore our enemy. ···

I'm going to include this letter, it points to current events
Opinion from a Former Judge

I am a student of law whose age is 85. My first year of college was 68 years ago. one class I took was political science. a half-page of my textbook essential outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy:
  • 1) Divide the nation philosophically.
  • 2) Foment racial strife.
  • 3) Cause distrust of police authority.
  • 4) Swarm the nation's borders indiscriminately and unconstitutionally.
  • 5) Engender the military strength to weaken it.
  • 6) Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation.
  • 7) Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime.
  • 8) Control all balloting.
  • 9) Control all media.

What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has become an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish.

Keith M. Alber

I could easily expand on a hundred different subjects to further illustrate what is happening. For directly to individual files add this to the URL:
/gwbush.htm or /ghbush.htm
This is my attempt to put what brought about the demise of the US in one letter.

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