Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Daily Corruption of Congress

Our nation started out with people trying to get out from under tyranny and oppression. The tyranny being the inequitable rule of monarchies where oppression of the many for the benefit of the few was the ‘norm.’ Most people like to get ahead, to make a better life for themselves and family. Many do this through hard work, intelligence, education, maybe by heritage, and a few do it by taking advantage of other people. It is this group whom I would to speak about.

The farmer is an excellent example of how this started. As land was farmed, it was found that the nutrients in soil were not limitless, e.g. nitrogen, and various things were found to enrich the soil. Leaving it fallow alternate years, rotating crops, putting things back into the soil, e.g., compost etc. It was also found that certain plants usually leguminous actually helped the soil by fixing nitrogen back into the soil. Peanuts are a good example of this. However, you can only sell so many peanuts for eating. Than along came John Washington Carver who found more than one hundred uses for the peanut making it profitable as well as soil enhancing to grow. The important point here is the peanut was eatable in the first place and never required “cleansing” toxins out of it.

But I want to talk about another nitrogen fixing leguminous plant of a more recent evolution. Soybeans are an excellent plant to fix nitrogen into the soil, much easier to grow and much more climate tolerant than peanuts. Farmers grew it for enriching the soil but its usefulness was very limited. It was not even fit for animal feed and very little could be made from it, tofu and soy sauce but that is only after the efforts of some very energetic bacteria however the end product was as much soybean as bauxite is a 747 Jet. It could also be made into linoleum, but even with that, the market for Soy was limited.

Than came modern day fertilizers and 'fixing' nitrogen into the soil was no longer the problem.  So what do you do with a billion dollar investment in a plant nobody can eat? Many farms belong to multi billion dollar companies and they seemed to be stuck with a product they couldn’t do anything with.

The solution, it turns out; was two fold, tell people it eatable and market it as a health food. The soybean has some wonderful qualities, the problem is it is full of contaminants, highest levels of phatic acid to be found, high amounts of enzyme inhibitors, can cause estrogen blood levels to raise as much as twenty two hundred per cent, is not a complete protein, not a natural food and today is among the most processed of commercial foods and most US soybeans are genetically modified. The solution was to make it saleable. And sell they do.

It turns out that hydrogenated soy oil is an excellent way to get rid of 'their' garbage. The word "hydrogenation" refers to the process that changes liquid vegetable oils into more solid forms, forms that can be easily spread with a knife, like margarine. In addition, the process of hydrogenation increases the shelf-life of the oil.

Unfortunately, hydrogenating soy oil is like making bombs spread radioactively, it takes something already very bad and makes it much worse. Now listen to this, hydrogenated oil can be found in 60% of the food you eat. Hydrogenated oils are also found in products like breads, donuts, peanut butter, frozen meals, potato chips, most fast foods and yes, spreads. So wouldn’t you think this would be bad for you, make you sick, cause any number of maladies? It does. Who ‘benefits’ by you getting sick? The drug industry do, many of the same ones that market the soy. They get money from you, hospitals and the government, to treat and find ‘cures’ for the explosion of the many new maladies that are affecting people. It is like you were on a leaking ship and everyone tried to find a way to get rid of the water but nobody is looking for the leak.

Hydrogenated Oil By Dr. Bruce Fife, a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician. We have all heard about the dangers of artificial food additives. I want to talk about one of the most common food additives in our diet—partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Some fats in our diet are good and healthy, others are not so good. Of all the fats in our diet, hydrogenated vegetable oils are one the very worst. The reason they’re so bad is because they contain toxic trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are fat molecules that have been chemically altered. These deformed fatty acids wreck havoc in our bodies. Recent research has shown that they contribute to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS, and many other health problems. They are far more dangerous than any other fat known. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition it reported that trans fatty acids cause at least 30,000 premature deaths in the United States each year. Because of these dangers, many health organizations have pressured the FDA to enact a regulation requiring food manufactures to include the amount of trans fatty acids on package labels. Before taking this step, however, the FDA waited three years for the Institute of Medicine to study the issue. After a detailed review of all the medical research on trans fatty acids, the Institute of Medicine recently released their findings. They announced that no level of trans fat is safe to consume, (something contained within all hydrogenated oil)! This announcement came as a surprise because usually the Institute of Medicine recommends what they consider to be a safe limit of consumption for toxic food additives. In this case, however, they stated that no level is safe. That means we should avoid trans fatty acids completely.

Where do you find trans fatty acids? Trans fatty acids are found in all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, including margarine and shortening. Partially hydrogenated
    soybean oil
is our most common source of trans fatty acids. Almost every packaged, convenience food in the grocery store contains one or more of these sources of trans fats. Some common food sources for trans fatty acids include bread, cookies, crackers, chips, pies, french fries, pizzas, peanut butter, cake frosting, candy, and ice cream. Read package labels, if it lists partially hydrogenated oil, don’t buy it!

From “A Moment in Science” The problem with hydrogenated oil is twofold. One, hydrogenated oil contains a lot of saturated fat. In addition though, it also contains what are called trans fatty acids. And the problem with these is that like saturated fat, they raise our levels of the bad cholesterol, but to make matters worse, they can also reduce our levels of the good cholesterol. So we are having drastic increases in incidences of Neoplasms (Cancer),Digestive System Diseases, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Nervous System Diseases, Male and Female Diseases, Pregnancy Complications and the list goes on. It may even include things like homosexuality, there are certainly lots of things pointing to that. The trick here is these big companies are also big contributors, just in case you were wondering why noting was ever done about it. e.g. Since 1987, the EPA and Congress both showed that they understood which side their bread was buttered on, in three separate acts: - In 1987, immediately prior to RoundUp’s debut, without any study or proof whatsoever, the EPA arbitrarily raised the toxicity limits of RoundUp from 6 parts per million to 20 parts per million, simply because Monsanto requested it! Do not get confused with products like Tofu, Miso and Soy Sauce. These are the end products of some very energetic bacteria and no longer resemble the original product. For industry to make soy eatable it is highly processed being heated to over 400° 6 times during processing. If there was any good in it, it is surely gone after processing. Don’t forget it has 10 times the aluminum in it homogenized milk does. Researchers have known for years that phytic acid blocks mineral absorption. (Keen) This is especially bad news for infants, because soy chelates all zinc from the baby’s system. Zinc controls iron uptake. Without it, abnormally high iron levels are allowed. Excess iron harms the liver. Zinc is also critical for growth and brain and nervous system development, as well as protein digestion. (Guyton, p 900). Neurological development retardation is exemplified today in the unprecedented rise of learning disabilities, attention deficit, Guillain Barre, and autism. ( Zinc is also necessary for normal insulin function and for immune system development. These are just some of the reason why no baby should be given refined soy as soy milk. Nor should an adult who doesn’t want zinc deficiency, which in the US runs as high as 60%. (Erasmus, p 75) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics admits that early exposure to soy through commercial infant formulas may be a leading cause of allergies among older children and adults. (Finucan) So if your baby has any allergies or asthma whatsoever, soy is the last thing you want to use as formula.

Difficulties in the chemistry encountered in attempting to remove the phytic acid is the main reason why the processing of soybeans is so harsh, as we will see. Enough phytic acid remains in the final soy products to cause mineral deficiencies. So, industry markets and sells soy that makes thousands sick. Industry also markets and sells the drugs to make you better. The industry employs thousands of lawyers and lobbyists and provides laterally billions to the political parties, both sides, to insure favorable legislation and press.

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