Friday, October 03, 2014


It is very sad that our first Black president will be judged in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive, destructive and divisive (illegal) president ever.  A man twice elected because of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.

Racist, a made up word by Leon Trotsky in 1927.  The word was used to browbeat all dissenters of the communist ideology.  It is still used to this day in the west to shut down all nonconformist.

Obama. "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've met.  We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Hitler had that too, he called them "Brown Shirts."  They were the first ones to go around intimidating the dissenters of nazism.

“You can keep your current plan”
“Lower health care premiums by $2,500”
Obama: “The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!”
Promised to bring Americans together yet has been the most divisive (and illegal) president ever.
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future.”
"If you like your plan you can keep your Plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
June 4th 2008 Obama says, “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided.” This contradicts his more recent pushes for a peace deal returning to 1967 borders. A deal with 1967 borders would split Israel.
Lies During the Sixth Year

“We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion.”

(IRS) “Not a even smidgen of corruption”

“Keystone pipeline would mean maybe 2,000 jobs”

Lies During the Fifth Year    *************

“We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas.”

“If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it”

“The NSA is not abusing its power”

“I said benghazi was a terrorist attack from the beginning.”

“the foreign intelligence Surveillance court is transparent.”

“First of all, I didn’t set a red line,” said Obama. “The world set a red line.”

Lies During Fourth Year *******************

“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.”

“Mitt Romney raised nursing home fees eight times.”

“Mitt Romney called the Arizona law a model for the nation.”

“Planned Parenthood provides mammograms”
Spero News

“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system”

Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations
State Department

“Mitt Romney Plans to fire Big Bird”

“Under Gov. Romney’s definition … Donald Trump is a small business.”

Because of Obamacare, “over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.”

“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration”

Romney and Ryan will gut pell grants for low-income college students.

My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.

 “I am told that Governor Romney’s new running mate, Paul Ryan, might be around Iowa the next few days,” he said while in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “He is one of the leaders of Congress standing in the way. So if you happen to see Congressman Ryan, tell him how important this farm bill is to Iowa and our rural communities.”
House passed bill on August 2, 2012 (Paul Ryan voted yes)

The American automobile industry has come roaring back…So now I want to say what we did with the auto industry, we can do it in manufacturing across America. Let’s make sure advanced, high-tech manufacturing jobs take root here, not in China. And that means supporting investment here. Governor Romney … invested in companies that were called ‘pioneers’ of outsourcing. I don’t want to outsource. I want to insource.
Forbes- Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors

“You Didn’t Build that”
A few examples

Lies During Third Year  ********************

I will walk on that picket line with you, if workers are denied the right to bargain.

In his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Obama said that American oil production is the highest that it’s been in eight years.

I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever
Obama aided Islamic Extremists take over of Egypt/ Libya – Weapons pour into Gaza

Virtually every Senate Republican voted against the tax cut last week

“Every idea that we’ve put forward are ones that traditionally have been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.”
Like Raising taxes?

Obama met highly qualified out of work teacher Robert Baroz
He wasn’t out of work and Obama never met him.

GOP Responsible for Obama Jobs Bill Not Passing
Dems Rejected Jobs Bill

You have 80 percent of the American people who support a balanced approach. Eighty percent of the American people support an approach that includes revenues and includes cuts. So the notion that somehow the American people aren’t sold is not the problem
Gallup Poll: Only 69%

These are obligations that the United States has taken on in the past. Congress has run up the credit card, and we now have an obligation to pay our bills.
Looks like it’s been incurred mostly in the years of Obama

Jobs Bill Paid for
Seems not so much Paid for

Then you’ve got their(GOP)which is dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance
Barack Obama, campaigning in Asheville, NC, 10/17/11

I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.

USA producing more oil than ever before
Petroleum Insights

Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”
Department of Homeland Security says 5%

Rich don’t pay their fair share.
National Taxpayers Union

Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children.
Cnn Interview

Lies During Second Year  *************************

Obama claimed the SCOTUS decision in Citizens United v. FEC, “open[ed] the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections.

No signing statements to nullify or undermine congressional instructions as enacted into law
Obama Lies to Keep Czars

No “boots” on the ground Libya
Anyone that has worked with the AC-130 gunship can tell you, you need spotters to let aircraft know where the targets are.  Usually it is Special Forces, Rangers etc trained for this mission. It’s CIA Agents in Libya on the ground

Reform will also rein in the abuse and excess that nearly brought down our financial system. It will finally bring transparency to the kinds of complex, risky transactions that helped trigger the financial crisis.
Obama Lies About Financial Reform Bill

All Americans WILL BE were, “surprised, disappointed and angry” about lockerbie bomber
Obama Memo

I will not rest until the BP Oil Spill stops
Obama’s Schedule

The health care bill will not increase the deficit by one dime.
Campaign and Presidency

If you like the health care plan you have you can keep it

“Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., September 9, 2009.

ObamaCare Fee is not a new tax
Obama denies healthcare is a new tax on all Americans

We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil.
Obama’s oval office speech in June 2010

Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen.
Arizona Immigration Law

Doctors choose amputation because they get better compensation. Greedy Doctors taking out tonsils for more money.
Claims never documented

The Health Care Package will pay for itself

Republicans don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas — not one.
Hmm Immigration?

We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care
Democratic Debate Lies

Obama says he’ll save average family $8,000 in gas
Video Proof

I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go”
Said during a speech immediately after the Trillion Dollar “Shovel Ready” bill.

I got the Message from Massachusetts
Daily Bail
Lies During First Year

We began by passing a Recovery Act that has already saved or created over 150,000 jobs.” – caught cooking the books and now changed to ‘jobs supported’ versus ‘created/saved’
AP fact Checker

Number one, we inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit. … That wasn’t me.” – Congress, under Democratic control in 2007 and 2008, controlled the purse strings that led to the deficit Obama inherited.Obama supported the emergency bailout package in Bush’s final months — a package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger.
AP fact Checker

Collective salvation
Obama calls himself a Christian

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Obama Inauguration. 20 Jan 2009

Cut Deficit in Half by end of first term
Associated Press Video

Health Care deals will be covered on C-span
Obama Lies

As President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide

Recovery Act will save or create jobs
ABC News

Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.
Obama Lies

No Earmarks in the $787 Billion Stimulus

I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care plan

We have launched a housing plan that will help responsible families facing the threat of foreclosure lower their monthly payments and refinance their mortgages.
Obama Lies

I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage.

Guantanamo bay to be closed within a year
Council on Foreign Relations.

Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.
Businessweek: Obama Agnostic on taxes
List of Tax Promise Violations
2008 Campaign Lies

Bypassing congress unconstitutional; I intend to reverse when I am president

I will walk the picket line with you, if workers are denied the right to bargain

No more wiretapping of citizens

Mr. Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” but “not somebody whom I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.
News Busters

I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Obama campaign would accept public funding

Minimum Wage will increase to $9.50/hr
A Socialist

Ann Dunham spent the months before her death in 1995 fighting with insurance companies that sought to deny her the coverage she needed to pay for treatment.
Mounting Heath Care Lies

Didn’t know Jeremiah Wright was Radical
Dreams of My Father – A radical Socialist.

Would have the most transparent administration in History
Cato Institute

We will go through our federal budget – page by page, line by line – eliminating those programs we don’t need, and insisting that those we do need operate in a sensible cost-effective way.
Boston Globe

I have visited all 57 states.

I’ll get rid of earmarks
Source: Any bill passed during presidency

When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it.
Campaign Speech

My father served in World War II.
The Videos and the Facts

Have troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009
News Video

Seniors Making less than 50,000 will not have to pay taxes

Would not vote for any bill supporting troop funding without a firm withdrawal commitment from the Bush Administration.
He has done nothing but continue the Bush administration strategy and to explain how the “surges total failure” has now become his greatest achievement.

Present Votes Are Common In Illinois

I Won Michigan
Huffington Post

I won Nevada
The Nation

I don’t Have Lobbyists
US News

My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad
Crooks and Liars

I Have Always Been Against Iraq
Washington Post

My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country

Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.
Obama Campaign Video

I Barely Know Rezko
Sun Times

My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church
ABC News

+++++Obama Records Sealed+++
Occidental College records
Columbia college records
Columbia thesis paper
Harvard college records
Selective Service Records
Medical records
Illinois State Senate schedule
Illnois State Senate records
Law practice client list
Certified Copy of original Birth Certificate
Baptism Record
Whose passport when he visited Pakistan in 1981
Foreign Student Aid

Obama has never proven his eligibility.   Take for instance his birth certificate that is on his WEB site right now..  Now aside from all the videos on you tube proving it is not a real birth certificate but rather a 'doctored' in version of one, on his BC it says his father was born in Kenya..   Hello,  Kenya did not exist when his father was born, you can see and look that up yourself.  The named hospital also did not exist.  The Hospital did, but it had a different name.  Look it up yourself, it is a fact.  Obama is listed as an "african" on the BC a practice that did not start until 1987.  This is just 3 of the many things wrong with the very BC you can find on the illegal's WEB site right now!!!

You think the fact that nobama is not legal to hold office is 'phony' news? He has spent millions of dollars just to keep it out of court. The BC he has finally produced is full of factual errors as well as being obviously a 'doctored' certificate. (e.g. his race is listed as "African" a practice that didn't start until 1987, it says his father was born in Kenya which as a country did not exist at the time and while the hospital did exist at the time it was by a different name. It is signed by U. K. Lalee, how stupid can you be?) His SS# belongs to another person and is from Connecticut, he has had several aliases, Saudi Arabia gave Harvard 10 million dollars and nobama suddenly has a lawyers degree which he never used and went directly into community organizing, the only organization that wouldn't 'vet' his background. He says he is a Christian but he holds Ramadan dinner in the White house; first person in that office not to declare a national day of prayer, I can go on and on.

What do these 15 facts tell you about our President?
1. Obama voted for born-alive infanticide in Illinois.
2. Obama's parents were Communists who felt America was an imperialist, fascist nation. Obama was raised in a Muslim school in Indonesia and was taught to hate America.
3. Obama bragged about befriending "Marxist professors" in college.
4. Obama admitted to using cocaine in college and possibly dealing it, a felony in every US state.
5. Obama was friends with terrorist Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon with ZERO regrets and endangered millions. Obama started his campaign in Ayers' living room.
6. Reverend Jeremiah Wright bashed America and called us "the US of KKK A". Obama sat in his church for 20 years and even named his book after one of his sermons.
7. Obama is endorsed by Hamas, Hugo Chavez, radical Muslim Louis Farakkhan, and in the state Senate was endorsed by the socialist "New Party".
8. Obama was ranked the most liberal Senator. In Illinois, he voted to ban handguns and add a 500% tax on ammunition. In the US Senate, he blocked more American energy exploration and opposed defense spending necessary to protect our country.
9. Obama gave a speech in the US Senate saying that people need to "read their Bibles", mocking Christians, suggesting the Bible wants people to stone their kids. He even said that small-town, rural Americans "cling" to their guns and religion when in reality they treasure it as part of their heritage.
10. Obama added $6 trillion in debt.
11. Under Obama, America's economic freedom index has gone from 3rd to 10th in the world, and new regulations are through the roof.
12. Under Obama, the EPA is shutting coal plants down and blocking new oil/natural gas drilling, killing thousands of jobs.
13. Obama canceled the welfare-work requirement, allowing lazy people to get benefits.
14. Obamacare will lead to health care rationing, slashes $700 billion from Medicare, and puts an unelected bureaucratic board in charge of controlling health care costs.
15. Obama's stimulus package outsourced jobs to China.

There goes the first amendment

America Again Submits to the Istanbul Process

By Nina Shea.

Round three of the “Istanbul Process” opens today, December 3, and runs through Wednesday, at Canada House, in London, hosted by the U.K. and Canada. The Istanbul Process is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s major transnational law initiative, undertaken in partnership with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It was established last year to “implement” measures against speech and expression that negatively “stereotype[s]” Islam and Muslims, with a particular emphasis on enacting them in the West.

This initiative was started as an inexplicable, gratuitous gift to the Muslim world following the March 2011 adoption of a non-binding U.N. Human Rights Council resolution (16/18) on the same theme. While the Obama administration claims that it doesn’t intend for the process to adopt regulations beyond the American free-speech standard, our partner, the OIC, is only too eager to do just that.

For over a decade within the U.N., the OIC has relentlessly pushed for a universal law to punish blasphemy, or “defamation,” of Islam. This 56-member-state organization, an essentially religious body, is in fact chartered to “combat defamation of Islam.” It issues fatwas and other directives to punish public expression of apostasy from Islam. Its current action plan calls for “deterrent punishments” in all states for “Islamophobia,” a term that encompasses a broad range of constitutionally protected speech, judging from the OIC website’s black list of Americans and other perpetrators of “Islamophobia.” The OIC’s stated understanding of the Istanbul Process is that it will “help in enacting domestic laws for the countries involved in the issue, as well as formulating international laws preventing inciting hatred resulting from the continued defamation of religions.”

Corner readers will remember that the Istanbul Process’s first conference was co-chaired by Clinton and the OIC secretary general in July 2011, in Istanbul, with the foreign ministers of the Muslim countries in attendance. The second was held over three days of closed-door meetings last December, at the offices of the U.S. Department of State in Washington. That meeting drew enough controversy within free-speech circles to raise questions about whether the process would continue. But thanks to a leak last week by OIC head Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, we now know the event will go ahead, even if its agenda is still being treated like it’s “classified.”

Judging from the 2011 session I was partially able to observe as a commissioner on the official U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, the point of the Istanbul Process is for the governments of the developed West to give an accounting to the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Qatar, and other key Muslim states on measures taken to stop American and other Western citizens from disparaging Islam. This puts our diplomats in a tight spot: Unlike virtually every other country represented in the conference hall, America does not protect any religion or any other body of ideas from criticism and ridicule. However, when we’re in the dock this time around, the U.S., represented by Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, the administration’s severely marginalized ambassador-at-large for religious freedom, will have some measure of “progress” to report.

For example, the U.S.’s top intelligence official and its top commander in Afghanistan were again deployed to suppress blasphemy against Islam in Florida and, this time around, they succeeded. Last year, the efforts of our top authorities to stop Florida micro-church pastor Terry Jones from desecrating a Koran ended in failure. But this year, their resort to the “good offices” of Tampa socialite Jill Kelley proved an effective strategy. Her persuasive emails resulted in Florida talk-show host Bubba the Love Sponge’s standing down from deep frying a Koran, something he had threatened to do on-air. The OIC’s Ihsanoglu would likely rule Bubba was about to “abuse” freedom of expression by not being able (incontrovertibly, I should note) to pass a “responsible use” test.

That leads to our next plea: The administration has also adopted the OIC’s own standard of condemning the “abuse of free expression.” Or at least that is what it appeared to do on the website of the pivotal U.S. embassy to Egypt on September 11 this year. Our embassy declared on its homepage: “We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

He has doubled our debt, doubled in two years, his economic policy is to spend us back to prosperity.
He has insulted our allies and knelt before a muslim king.
He has lied about virtually every campaign promise he made, e.g. he would start pulling troops out of Iraq,  the day he was elected (he sent 40,000 more),would not raise taxes, he would renegotiate nafta, (a lie he sent a special envoy to calm Canada to reassure them), he said he would end Homeland Security and instead he has legalized it, he promised "transparency in government" and he has the most closed door meetings of any president, illegal or not, he has appointed 30 some czars (tsars) to circumvent the constitution, he is socializing medicine, he is following the Clouard/Pivan strategy to destroy the US economy with the help of George Soros who is on record saying that is exactly what he wants to do.
•Actively Supports Agenda 21, 
•Clinton turned our National Parks over to the UN and Obama wants to turn our water over to the UN
•Holder sent billions to foreign banks during our banking meltdown and won't tell who or why.
•How about that $3.9 billion in U.S. tax dollars that the Obama Regime is giving in financial aid to    Saudi Arabia? Yes, ‘financial aid!’
       •Obama supports agenda 21.
•He has a SS # belonging to another person, named Ludwig.  Nobozo's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.
•He swore he never knew Rod Blagojevich.
•Close friends with Weather underground Bill Ayers.
•Obama’s prayer partner is Rashad Hussain, an Islamic lawyer.
•Nobama's change he promised: government goons groping your genitals at the airport.

Politicians have two goals in life.  Get elected and stay elected.
They will lie, steal, embezzle, bribe, prostitute, rob, assault, harass, commit arson, coercion, sodomy or just about anything you can think of to get and stay in office.

Well, let's see, he does have a long list of accomplishments.  He didn't renegotiate NAFTA as promised, he has the least transparent government of all time, he hired 36 czars to bypass congress, illegally, he said he would start pulling troops out of Iraq the day he took office and instead he sent 40,000 more, He sent billions from the FED to other countries and the US people can't even find out to who or how much, he has a ss# that belongs to someone else which probably has something to do with his not having a valid birth certificate, He visited Syria at a time when it was illegal for a US citizen but it doesn't show up on his "US" passport, nobody remembers him at any class or function at a school he got a law degree at, the same school that took 10 million from the Saudis, he is trying to turn our water over to the UN, he swore he didn't know Blagojevich but there are many pictures available of them together, he is close friends to terrorists including Bill Ayers, he claims he is a Christian but he is the first (illegal) president in a long time not to declare a national day of prayer but he holds ramadan in the white house, he holds telephone prayer with Rashad Hussain, he passed the most socialistic bill conceivable when he shoved obamacare down everybody's throat, he actively supports UN agenda 21, he was often voted for by people that were long since dead (just coming out),  a congressional report concedes obama eligibility unvetted, he spent 800 billion dollars in his first two months in office for 'stimilus' and we are still waiting for something to get stimulated, however his friends seemed to have ended up with a lot of the money, appointed a ballet student to the board of Fanny Mae, he spent more in 2 years than Bush did in 8.  He gave C.A.I.R. 1.5 billion dollars

1. Occidental College Records -- SEALED
2. Columbia College records -- SEALED
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- SEALED
4. Harvard College records -- SEALED
5.  Selective Service records -- SEALED
6. Medical records -- SEALED
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- SEALED
8. Illinois State Senate records -- SEALED
9, Law Practice client list -- SEALED
10. Certified copy of original Birth Certificate -- SEALED
11. Signed Embossed paper Certification of Live Birth -- SEALED
12. Baptism Record -- SEALED
13. Michelle Obama can no longer practice law as an attorney?
14. Michelle has 22 assistants, when other First Ladies had only one?
15/ "Foreign student aid" as a college student?
16. Used ?? countries 'passport' when obama visited Pakistan in 1981.
17. Lost his own Attorneys license for lying.

Obama Birth Certificate
An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security number (SSN) is being used by President Obama: Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in 1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama's current SSN) on or about March 1977.

Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut . Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits 042, which are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents.

Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!

Now comes the best part! Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died.

Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.  The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and therefore, no questions were ever raised.

Report: 400 US Surface-to-Air Missiles Went Missing in Benghazi

A lawyer representing one of the whistleblowers with knowledge of the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi last September says 400 surface-to-air missiles were "diverted to Libya" during the attack and fell into "the hands of some very ugly people."

It occurred to me, there could be a whole lot more here than you think.   First of all, the story was suppressed and it never made the news.  Say all of a sudden these missiles shoot down a commercial airliner somewhere, maybe here in the US.  What does the Lying Illegal Muslim (LIM) do?  He declares martial law/National Emergency..   Do you have a clue what happens during a National Emergency?  First of all, there are no elections.  Duh! 

    10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the United States;
    10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
    10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
    10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
    11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
    11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
    11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women and children in the United States of America;
    11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
    11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish Forced Relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for the populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
    11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
    11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control in case of "National Emergency").

"President William Jefferson Clinton wrote one EO that can cover all of these. He wrote Executive Order 12919 on June 3, 1994, which was released on June 6, 1994.

This EO will be the only thing he needs to enact in order to become a fully empowered dictator. It covers all of the EO's mentioned previously. The only thing this EO doesn't do is define WHAT the "national emergency" would have to be in order for this EO to be signed. Please keep that in mind. Anything can be declared a "national emergency" to facilitate EO 12919 being enacted." [2] (

Obama Executive Orders Nationalizing Energy, Food, Water, Everything Else

Executive order danger

The un-numbered Executive Order on defense resources redefines national defense with a broader scope than before. That makes it more dangerous than ever. Earlier versions of this order did not redefine national defense in any way. This one does, and in a way that no person would reasonably expect.
What the executive order says

The new Executive Order authorizes the President to take direct control of many kinds of resources “in time of peace or national emergency.” This includes energy, food, transportation, and medical care (typically giving first aid and treating fractures and other dire wounds in an emergency room). But the order goes beyond the kind of immediate emergency that one might see in an Irwin Allen movie. It discusses how to prepare for an emergency. Among other things, the executive order authorizes loan guarantees and public-private partnerships, and even letting the military install equipment on a contractor’s site.

This order is bad enough. Under it, the President could say the phrase national emergency and would own everything in the country. The last monarchs to wield such power were the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. He could even say that the United States was in a state of war and quarter troops in people’s homes, thus violating the Third Amendment. Some say that, with this executive order, Barack Obama made Congress unnecessary.

At least two sources said over the weekend that this executive order said nothing new. They cited Executive Order 12919, that President Bill Clinton issued. Most of the languages of the two orders are parallel, except for changing “Federal Emergency Management Agency” to “Department of Homeland Security” wherever that phrase, or its initials, appeared. Both orders in fact cite the Defense Production Act of 1950. That alone suggests that Presidents have claimed this power for sixty-two years. None has even tried to exercise a fraction of the powers that they purport to grant. (This might be why no one has sued the government over this. Claiming a power is not the same as exerting it. Until a President does exert it, a court might rule that no one had standing.)

Ed Morrissey, one of the two men telling people to calm down about this executive order, called it mostly “boilerplate.” But Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice noticed Paragraph 801(j):

    “National defense” means programs for military and energy production or construction, military or critical infrastructure assistance to any foreign nation, homeland security, stockpiling, space, and any directly related activity.  Such term includes emergency preparedness activities conducted pursuant to title VI of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5195 et seq., and critical infrastructure protection and restoration.

The Stafford Act (1988) deals, not with invading or even rebel armies, but with federal disaster relief efforts. It is the authority for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. That agency has never been part of the Department of Defense.

Furthermore, Paragraph 801(j) appears nowhere in Executive Order 12919. Furthermore, the new (un-numbered) Executive Order mentions national emergency four times and never defines it.

In fact, the United States Code has no rule that says what a national emergency is, and what it is not. The Congressional Research Service Publication 98-505 describes the emergency powers of the government. Specifically, the National Emergencies Act of 1976 (50 USC 34) says that the country is in a national emergency when the President says so and publishes that saying in the Federal Register. Specifically, 50 USC Section 1261 says:

    (a) With respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national emergency, of any special or extraordinary power, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency. Such proclamation shall immediately be transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.

    (b) Any provisions of law conferring powers and authorities to be exercised during a national emergency shall be effective and remain in effect (1) only when the President (in accordance with subsection (a) of this section), specifically declares a national emergency, and (2) only in accordance with this chapter. No law enacted after September 14, 1976, shall supersede this subchapter unless it does so in specific terms, referring to this subchapter, and declaring that the new law supersedes the provisions of this subchapter.

Executive Order 13603 – How Dangerous Is It?

The EO includes all of Obama’s out-of-control agencies and they would have unlimited power if the president declared a “national emergency.”

Executive Order 13603 — National Defense Resources Preparedness allows the government to completely control our lives through the “industrial and technological base,” should the president declare a national emergency.

EO 13603 gives Obama the power over all commodities and products capable of being ingested by human beings and animals; all forms of energy; all forms of civil transportation; all usable water from all sources; health resources; forces labor such as military conscription; and federal officials can issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”
Are we listening???

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