Saturday, January 22, 2005

It isn't a Conspiracy only because it evolved, it wasn't planned

It is my theory and I’m sticking to it. It wasn’t planned, it evolved. It works like this: Say you’re the president of a company and you want to make lots of money, but you have a problem. The product your company is marketing has been found to affecting people abnormally, making them sick, or worse. So what do you do about it? If you stop selling it, it is huge financial loss, it isn’t possible to fix it and eventually somebody may figure out what your doing. So what do you do?

 We have seen this many times in the past, particularly the tobacco companies and the drug companies are getting caught almost monthly on something. What if you had something even bigger and you didn’t want to lose both your investment and your income from it? Instead of hiding it, you throw it in every bodies face, you say it is a good thing and you make no connection to the harmful effects of your product. You make the public believe it wasn’t your product making them sick. You make the problem unique to itself.

So, you start your own ‘support’ groups under a different name of course to ‘fight’ this growing problem. That way, you can determine the direction that the public takes on the problem. If you have diverted attention and are now controlling public opinion. You just wrote yourself a blank check. A example of how this evolved is the tobacco companies, they got away with this for years calling it ‘taste’ and ‘personal right’ rather than ‘addiction’. The tobacco companies have done well, many of the ‘cancer’ groups are actually sponsored by the tobacco companies.

 One thing missing from the agenda of these groups is any effort to determine the cause, ever notice that? Their mistake was they kept the focus on ‘them’ and were eventually caught. That little piece of info hasn’t gone unnoticed. So what am I talking about? You have listened to “them” long enough, before reading on, do this first. Do a WEB search for “Hormone Disrupting Chemicals” “HDC' and read some of the hundreds of articles by renown specialists from around the world.. Than, for a surprising example, search for, “Truth About Soy” (in quotes). Let me tell you, there has been a lot of suppression effort going on here. Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Dupont, Teitel, ADM, GM and many more don’t want you to read this.

Than you put it together like this. Say a prenatal child is exposed to “something” (your product) that effects the way the child develops, what if this changed the childs sexuality, the most sensitive organ in the human body. You don’t suppose it could make a person homosexual per chance?

 Wouldn’t it make more sense if was something chemical or otherwise that caused a physically changed in a persons sexual organs, causing them to behave in a ‘different’ way? What would you call it, an aberration? An abnormality? I know the gay community won’t go for it, after all, they lobbied, LOBBIED for years for criss sake, to get homosexuality taken out of medical books as a medical problem, they are not going to want to fight that again. Since when do we change medical classifications because somebody simply didn’t want to be called ‘abnormal?’ Apparently, more often than you might think. So what am I trying to tell you? The food industry is feeding you tainted food, pharmaceuticals are selling you questionable drugs at super inflated prices, the chemical industry is polluting the air you breath, the water you drink and the ground you grow your food in and they are all backed up by doctors who almost never blame the environment instead prescribe you yet more drugs and all for what? Everybody is out there to make a buck and if their pollutant just happens to make you gay well say it is ‘CHOICE’ and get ‘affected’ organized and have them lobby their congressmen as a group and say they are being discriminated against. The perfect smoke screen and just like everything else, it evolved.
