Friday, August 31, 2007

I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve started this many times but it just seems so pointless. There are many blogs out there that have something to say and perhaps they feel as I do that ‘we’ need to be doing something, I know I do.

I don’t know if this specific problem is addressed or not but for the few, if any that read this, here it is. It is but a fraction of what I know to be true and that is only a fraction of what is going on; reason enough to be concerned. Senator Bill Frist, M.D. slipped a bill through congress that stops any law suits against pharmaceutical companies. Like they really needed it.

Ah! Where to begin? The pharmaceutical industry spent 3 billion dollars last year convincing Americans they are sick and need to buy their product and/or ask their doctor to prescribe it despite the fact that many do little or nothing and often they are just a slight reconfiguration of an older products sold at a new higher price. And it works. They have the doctors (who graduate from pharma dominated schools)push their drugs with sweetheart deals. They (the pharmaceutical companies) have one of the largest lobbies in congress so be assured nothing is going against them there. They spend heavily on advertisement you will never hear the media say anything bad about them or their products, and news items going against the pharmaceutical companies are treated with kid gloves.

Then, the FDA, who is supposed to be the part of the government on our side is packed with people catering to the pharmaceuticals. Virtually all the heads of FDA has left for very high paying jobs in the drug industry. The FDA has their own courts in their own building so if you have a problem with a drug company it is like holding court in the enemy camp with the enemy as your judge and jurors.

The government is in this so blatantly they have decided to hide their corruption in plain sight. e.g. The drug bill for the elderly has one of its main components stop people from going to Canada to get cheaper drugs. Hello! A drug manufactured in the US is cheaper to buy in Canada? You bet they are, and why? The drug companies make no attempt to hide the disparity in prices (hidden in plain sight), they argue that they need the “excess” profits to create new drugs. Is that right? They spend 3 billion dollars on advertisement and say they want the money for research? 3 billion dollars would have paid for a lot of research. It is politics, if they say it enough, you will believe it.

They have the politicians, bought and paid for, now they are just helping them stay in power by keeping the focus on the drug companies and drumming into your head that they ‘deserve’ to screw people in the US. The drug industry has lobbied hard to get rid of all ‘natural’ substances that cure anything, they don’t make any money off of that. The FDA has issued what are essentially ‘laws’ that if it cures anything, the FDA has jurisdiction over it. Thus, if you print on a vitamin C bottle that it may help with the prevention of colds the FDA will demand millions of dollars of testing just to prove it. In the meantime they often exempt large manufacturers of any external testing taking instead whatever ‘they’ say they did to test the product internally. Well if it is some little guy trying to sell an inexpensive product that may help remedy something and he says so, it comes under the FDA and they make you prove that it will do whatever it is that it is supposed to do and in their eyes. You can bet you don’t have a chance. The little guy just doesn’t have a chance. I, personally, used to buy some herbs that helped with my allergies. There is no question, they helped. But it said “Allergy” on the bottle and the FDA made them quit marketing the product.

It is not Just the Pharmaceutical Companies, not by a long shot. It was found that putting ground-up tires in asphalt not only substantially increased the life of the pavement, it was a use for the millions of old tires we have around the USA. A win win situation if you ask me. So what happened to that? The asphalt industry lobbied congress. They argued they would be losing so many jobs if we put out a better product. Since when do you lose money for putting out a better product? I'll bet you never heard that one on the media.

Speaking of the media, that 3 billion dollars the pharmaceutical industry spends, is spent on the media. Do you really think the media is going to say something bad about a company that pays them 3 billion dollars a year? They (the media) don’t have a problem with telling Osama Bin Laden that we are listening in on his phone calls but do you think they will tell us the pharmaceutical industry is making us sick and bilking us out of billions? Not a chance.

Did you know that you cannot start a farm growing peanuts and sell them in the US? Can't, it is the law. If you already are, you’re protected. Ex-president Jimmy Carter can sell his peanuts in the US, he’s protected. Why should you care? Because it is corruption, the price of peanuts is more than twice what it should be to the benefit of a few. A similar but much more complicated thing goes on with sugar. Importation of sugar into the US is restricted. Essentially only one group is allowed to.. That same group that gives lots and lots of money to both political parties every year. Yes, and the price of sugar in the US is almost twice what it should be. The candy manufacture of Life Savers moved to Canada and it wasn't because sugar cane grew better up there. The cost of sugar in the US drove them out.

So, who is paying for the pharmaceutical profits, the asphalt industry, the sugar industry, the, the, the, the, the? Why you are, we are. And the reason is the fat cats we call politicians, the people we elect to protect us. The standard of living would be twice what it is now for every American if it weren’t for congress spending all of its time figuring out how to stay elected in the most lucrative of jobs in the world. They keep that job by Bull Shitting US citizens and they do that with the help of the media, big business and lots of money.

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