Sunday, August 26, 2007

It wasn’t planned, it evolved

It wasn’t planned, it evolved. It works like this: Say you’re the president/CEO of a giant conglomerate and you want to maintain or better yet increase profits, but you have a problem. The product your company is marketing has been found to be effecting people abnormally. If word of this got out the company could lose millions. If the public finds out about it the law suits that would follow would would be disastrous. So what do you do about it? You have already invested millions into the product, if you stop selling it, not only will you lose the investment but somebody might look at 'why' you are dropping and by doing so de-facto admit there is something wrong with your product and of course there could be millions more in potential income. We have seen this many times in the past, particularly the tobacco companies and the drug companies are getting caught pulling something off the market because it is found to be causing harm somewhere. What if you had something so big it would make all other scandals insignificant by comparison and you and your company would be in demeaning litigation for the rest of your life, you may even be hated worse than Hitler. Obviously it is something you can’t ‘come clean’ on, it would be devastating, you must think of a better way to hide this problem. The best way to hide something is in plain sight, this has the benefit of giving credibility to the argument nothing was wrong with it or at least nothing you knew about. So, instead of potentially bringing this to the attention of the world as a bad thing, you say it is a good thing and you detach yourself and your product from the harmful effects and say ‘the effects’ were due to the individuals choice (remember ‘smoking; is a "choice" not a drug’). You make the public believe it wasn’t your product making them sick but something else. You make the problem unique to itself. Than, taking a cue from the tobacco industry, you start your own ‘support’ groups; under a different name of course; to ‘fight’ this growing problem. That way, you can determine the direction that the public takes on the problem. You have now diverted attention and are controlling public opinion. You now only need to keep up the facade and quickly quash any negative talk about it. So what am I talking about? It would be a good idea if you did a WEB search for “Hormone Disrupting Chemicals” & “HDC' and read some of the hundreds of articles by renowned specialists from around the world.. They tell about how extraordinarily small amounts of contaminant (ppb)can effect the development of a fetus, the most sensitive state a human being is ever in. Then, for another surprising example, search for, “Truth About Soy” (in quotes). Let me tell you, there has been a lot of suppression effort going on here. Monsanto, Dow Chemical,Dupont, Teitel , ADM, GM and many more don’t want you to read this. Then you put it together like this. Say a prenatal child is exposed to “something” (and we ‘all’ are, lets just say it comes from your product) that effects the way the child develops, what if it has been determined this changes the child’s sexuality. Wouldn’t it be interesting if it could make a person homosexual? A fetus is exposed, and they/we all are, to minute amounts of chemicals but it just happens that these particular chemicals mess with the sex of the fetus. It is a known fact that the sex organs are the most sensitive of all. Fact, we are all exposed more and more to contaminants as a fetus and fact; the sex organ are the most easily affected of all. Doesn’t it make sense then; that it is quite possible that contaminants can effect the sex of a fetus? I know the gay community won’t go for it, after all, they lobbied, LOBBIED for years to get it changed, to get homosexuality taken out of medical books as a medical problem, they are not going to want to fight that again. Since when do we change medical classifications because somebody simply didn’t want to be called ‘abnormal?’ Apparently, more often than you might think. So what am I trying to tell you? The food industry is feeding you tainted food, pharmaceuticals are selling you questionable drugs at super inflated prices (thousands of per cent mark-up), the chemical industry is polluting the air you breath, the water you drink and the ground you grow your food in and they are all backed up by the FDA and doctors who almost never blame the environment but instead prescribe you yet more drugs and all for what? Everybody is out there to make a buck and if their pollutant just happens to make you gay, well they say it is your ‘CHOICE.’ So then the ‘affected’, having been told they are not sick but rather discriminated against, organize and lobby their congressmen as a group and say they are seeking social justice. It is brilliant, absolutely the most ingenious deception ever pulled on the U.S. citizens.

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